The Role Of The Prostate Gland In The Male Body


The prostate plays a key role in the reproductive mechanism of a man. It is a tiny gland, the size of a walnut, found in the groin area of a male. This gland is positioned just under the urinary bladder, above the rectum and encircles the urethra. The prostate gland plays a major role in the production of semen. The urethra is a tubular organ through which urine passes out of the body. It is possible to reach the prostate gland through the anus for medical examination by a physician or for stimulation by one's sexual partner.

The Role Of The Prostate Gland In The Male Body

Although the prostate is commonly referred to as a gland, it is more closely related to an organ. It is divided into two distinct parts which are loosely interconnected and is protected by a layer of tissue.

Male Prostate Gland: The Male G Spot

An important as well as sexually significant part of a man's body is the male prostate gland. It is also known commonly as the male G spot. The male prostate gland is situated within the perineum which lies between the anus and the testicles. The size of the male prostate is about that of a walnut. It secretes a prostatic fluid which is the main component of semen. Pleasurable as well as exciting orgasms can be produced by internal gentle massage to the prostate. Stimulation of the prostate is sure to bring a lot of pleasure to the male but it is not an indication of sexual preference.

The stimulation of the male prostate gland requires a significant amount of trust and familiarity with one's sexual partner. After the initial squeamish sensations of having the male prostate gland stimulated are overcome, a man can begin to enjoy the pleasurable effects and in many cases may experience highly pleasurable orgasms. A water based lubricant can ease the exploration into the anus by your girlfriend's index finger. Pleasurable sensations are heightened if this is done while fellatio is being performed. As with all forms of foreplay, there should be prior buildup of intimacy between the partners and this form of pleasure cannot be rushed. Some women may themselves enjoy anal stimulation. So the stimulation may be mutual and involve a tremendous amount of fun.

Adequate Preparation for Stimulation of the Male Prostate Gland

There are many things to be understood and noted before a person gets into anal sex. Prior bowel movement is advised so that the male prostate gland can be stimulated more easily. It is also important that the area around the anus is clean and well groomed to allow for unimpeded exploration. Girlfriends should also ensure that they are well groomed and that their finger nails are adequately trimmed to reduce any form of internal injury. Foreplay can begin with a warm bath taken together. This would usually be a great start to an intimate encounter that might lead to numerous pleasurable romps with one's partner.

Is The Prostate An Important Gland?

The prostate is a key organ in a human male. It plays a decisive role in the production of the seminal fluid that enables the human sperm to move about during ejaculation. The seminal fluid produced by the prostate not only provides the medium for the sperm to swim in and reach the egg; it also provides the sperm with nourishment to stay alive for the arduous journey up the fallopian tube.

The most common problem to afflict the prostate is cancer. Since it is critical to a man's well-being and ability to reproduce, it is essential that the prostate is checked by a physician during an annual medical checkup. Early detection of prostate cancer is critical in its effective treatment and cure.

Prostate cancer is very common among men all over the world. It is in fact the most common affliction affecting most aging men. It is therefore advisable that you avail the services of a qualified doctor to have your routine medical check up. An experienced doctor in the field can detect prostate disorders in the early stages and will be able to offer you the correct treatment plan.

By ill fate, if you happen to be a prostate cancer patient, do not panic. Efficient and adequate treatment plans are in the offering now by which your malignancy can be controlled and cured completely. Have faith in the treatment plan suggested to you and sustain a positive attitude. Soon you will be able to overcome the scourge of prostate illness and get back to your normal self.

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Do Tall Men Have Bigger (Longer) Penises Than Shorter Men? - Penis Size Mysteries Explained


Some people believe you that you can judge a man's penis size by his height, hand size, and foot size. That is, the theory that the bigger the hands and feet of a man are, and the taller a man is, is directly linked to the size of his penis; in that the penis will be larger with men who have large hands, large feet, and increased body length. In fact, some women literally swear by such methods and use it as a metric to "measure up" a potential man.

Do Tall Men Have Bigger (Longer) Penises Than Shorter Men? - Penis Size Mysteries Explained

While in some cases a man with exceptionally big hands might have a larger penis, this is more chance than based on genetic data. The same goes for foot size. Thanks to a scientific study which examined the correlation between foot size and penis size, we can determine whether or not a taller man will likely have a longer penis.

A British scientific study (performed by the British Urological Society), in 2002, was carried out to get to the root of such beliefs. In this comparative study of men, they found that there was no link between the size of a man's feet and the size of his penis. In other words, if a man had huge feet, this did not indicate he would have a large penis. Nor did it show that if a man had smaller feet, that he had a smaller penis.

Under most genetic conditions, foot size is relative to height. Which is to say that the body does its best to create a human frame that will be biomechanically stable. This means, again, under normal genetic influences without any external/internal factors that might alter foot or height, that a man who is tall will typically have larger feet than a man who is shorter.

The reason for this is that the feet are the very foundation (platform) that is utilized to anchor and stabilize the body in an axial plane when a person is in the erect (standing) posture. If the feet are not large enough to counter-balance and stabilize the gravitational influences through the axial plane, the person will have to exert tremendous unconscious muscular contraction to keep the body from falling over. This will overtax the muscular system and expend (and waste) too much energy.

This is why taller people typical have larger feet. It is Mother Nature's way of balancing out the taller frame to ensure that it (the frame of the body) has a large enough foundation (the feet) to allow a human to stand without having to continually contract muscles to keep the body from falling over.

Now, since we know that there is no relationship between the size of a man's feet and the size of a man's penis, we can apply this fact to realize that there is no biological relationship between a taller man having a taller penis versus a smaller man having a smaller penis.

Because the penis is not part of the mechanics of posture to ensure that a man has the most efficient design for stability (when standing, walking, running, etc.) there would be no biological reason for a man's penis to have any relation to muscular and skeletal size, design, or strength.

So, unfortunately for women and tall men, and fortunately for shorter men, a man's penis size cannot be gauged by examining his height. However, for women, it is fun to imagine what size of a penis a man may actually have while he is clothed. It's part of the fun, mystery, and potential surprise that awaits a woman who finally gets to unwrap her man for the first time.

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A Brief Look At Human Physiology


We all know that the human body consists of things like tissue, organs, cells, skin, and bones. The scientific name for the study of what the body is made up of is called anatomy.

A Brief Look At Human Physiology

The study of anatomy, however, is not and cannot be as dynamic as the life science study of how the human body actually works and how the parts of the body behave and interact with each other. This science is called human physiology.

The body's organization

The body is organized on four different levels:

  1. Chemical - at the very smallest and base level, the body consists of atoms and molecules

  2. Cellular- on the next level, the atoms and molecules make up cells. Cells are the body's base level structure. The body consists of various kinds of cells which include: white and red blood cells; fat cells; muscle cells and nerve cells

  3. Tissue - The body contains just 4 tissue types: muscle; nervous; epithelial; and connective tissue. Tissue consists of cell groups & the surrounding matter which both function together to do a specific job.

  4. Organ- an organ consists of 2 or more kinds of tissue. Organs have specific shapes and perform different individual functions. The liver, for example, is a vital organ responsible for many things including detoxifying the body and producing biochemicals, called bile, to help digestion. The liver consists of nervous, connective and muscle tissue.

The body's systems

The body is made up of ten different systems which work together to make the body function. These systems are: Endocrine system; Nervous system; Circulatory system; GastroIntestinal system; Integumentary system; Respiratory system; Urinary system; Reproductive system; Musculoskeletal system; Immune system.

The way in which the body's systems work and interact with each other is called integration. Many systems, whilst they have their own specific function, work in parallel with other systems to ensure the body works as it should.

The way in which the body's systems talk to each other is called communication. It is vital that all parts of the body know what's going on in other parts of the body so that optimum performance can be achieved.

When everything is working well in the body and it is operating efficiently and normally, it is said to be in a state of homeostasis. However, this balance is a delicate one and many things can go wrong with the body - be it for external or internal reasons. The body then reacts to try and correct the balance using its various systems but it cannot always achieve this. This is where modern day medicine steps in to try and fix what the body itself cannot.

The study of human physiology and anatomy has been around for over 2000 years. The research by pioneers such as Aristotle and Hippocrates was quite basic but kicked off the more complex life science study we know today. Modern day human physiology however gives us the knowledge to learn more about how our bodies work thus helping all of us to live longer and healthier lives.

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How Does Your Body Work? - Cardiovascular, Muscular, Skeletal, Immune, and Endocrine Systems


Your body is an amazing thing. It is up made up of different systems, which consists of organs that have their own special functions. Some organs are the liver, kidneys and heart. Even your skin is an organ!

How Does Your Body Work? - Cardiovascular, Muscular, Skeletal, Immune, and Endocrine Systems

The cardio vascular system, or the circulatory system, has one main job: to pump blood throughout the body. The system's major organ is the heart, which pumps blood through the arteries into all parts of the body. Blood contains oxygen, hormones and nutrients that cells need to grow, work, and repair themselves. Cells take in these products and give off carbon dioxide and other waste materials, which the blood then carries through the veins to the organs that remove the waster from the body.

Different types of muscles are located throughout the body. Skeletal muscles are attached to the body's bones and move them by contracting and releasing. Smooth muscles line the digestive system and help move food and water through it cardiac muscles are found in the heart. They pump blood through the heart to the lungs and the rest of the body.

The skeletal system is made up of bones, joints and cartilage, which is flexible tissue that forms body parts like the nose and ears. Cartilage also helps bones and joints work together smoothly. The body's bones have four main functions. First, they support the body and work with muscles to help it move in different ways, as well as to carry weight. Second, they protect the other organs in the body from injury. For example, your skull protects your brain, and your ribs protect many of your soft internal organs. Third, bones store important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, releasing them into the bloodstream when the body's other organs needs them. Finally, bones produce blood cells.

Diseases in the form of bacteria, viruses, toxins and microbes can attack your body. Your immune system fights off disease and helps to keep you health in many ways. Lymph, a liquid produced by lymph nodes in various parts of the body, is carried in the bloodstream to the cells to clean them of harmful bacteria and waste products. The center of bones called bone marrow is where red and white blood cells are created. White blood cells are important because they produce antibodies, which kill toxins, bacteria and viruses. The thymus, which is located in the chest, produces special cells that fight disease. The spleen filters out old red blood cells and other foreign bodies, such as bacteria. The adenoids (behind the nose) and tonsils (in the throat) also trap and kill bacteria and viruses.

The organs of this system are called glands. They produce hormones, which are chemicals that travels through your bloodstream and tell your organs what to do. For this reason, hormones are often referred to as the body's messengers. The endocrine system works to regulate mood, growth, body development, sleep, blood pressure and metabolism, which is the process by which the body changes food into energy.

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Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy


When I was studying at Berkeley, I watched a fair number of people drop out. It seemed like the stress of constant study was becoming too much for some. One of the main things most people (myself included) struggled with was memorizing human anatomy. To the average person, it may seem simple, but there are thousands of things to remember -it's actually one of the most complex systems in nature. Trying to cram all of this information while juggling the topics of disease and disorders was taking its toll - morning and night study, lectures, research, constant plucking through different books and notes - it never seemed to end.

Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy

One night I was on an online forum and I saw a post about mnemonics, and it sounded like the perfect system to memorize anatomy. Although I always seem to have a hard time saying the word mnemonics out loud, it's a very logical system in itself. A mnemonic, quite simply, is a memory aid - a system designed to help you easily remember information.

By listening to audio recordings of these human anatomy mnemonics, my study time was more than cut in half for one simple reason - I was completely clear on every aspect of human anatomy, and if I had any doubts, I simply referred back to simple mnemonic queues which contained the answers I needed. Because I learnt it all through audio, it really stuck with me --unlike the printed words in books which I could never seem to get a handle on. The recordings kept my complete focus, and I was able to pick up many of the mnemonics on the first listen.

Check this out. The way I remember the tribuaries for the internal jugular vein is by memorizing one simple phrase: "Medical Schools Let Confident People In". It's not nonsense, it's an easy to remember acronym - and it holds the answers, from inferior to superior:

- Middle thyroid.
- Superior thyroid.
- Lingual.
- Common facial.
- Pharyngeal.
-.Inferior petrosal sinus.

That's why mnemonics are so effective, in that one easy to remember phrase there is not only memory queues for the answers, but also their order from inferior to superior. I learnt how to memorize human anatomy almost entirely without notes!

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Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy


When I was studying at Berkeley, I watched a fair number of people drop out. It seemed like the stress of constant study was becoming too much for some. One of the main things most people (myself included) struggled with was memorizing human anatomy. To the average person, it may seem simple, but there are thousands of things to remember -it's actually one of the most complex systems in nature. Trying to cram all of this information while juggling the topics of disease and disorders was taking its toll - morning and night study, lectures, research, constant plucking through different books and notes - it never seemed to end.

Memorizing Anatomy - The Perfect System to Memorize Human Anatomy

One night I was on an online forum and I saw a post about mnemonics, and it sounded like the perfect system to memorize anatomy. Although I always seem to have a hard time saying the word mnemonics out loud, it's a very logical system in itself. A mnemonic, quite simply, is a memory aid - a system designed to help you easily remember information.

By listening to audio recordings of these human anatomy mnemonics, my study time was more than cut in half for one simple reason - I was completely clear on every aspect of human anatomy, and if I had any doubts, I simply referred back to simple mnemonic queues which contained the answers I needed. Because I learnt it all through audio, it really stuck with me --unlike the printed words in books which I could never seem to get a handle on. The recordings kept my complete focus, and I was able to pick up many of the mnemonics on the first listen.

Check this out. The way I remember the tribuaries for the internal jugular vein is by memorizing one simple phrase: "Medical Schools Let Confident People In". It's not nonsense, it's an easy to remember acronym - and it holds the answers, from inferior to superior:

- Middle thyroid.
- Superior thyroid.
- Lingual.
- Common facial.
- Pharyngeal.
-.Inferior petrosal sinus.

That's why mnemonics are so effective, in that one easy to remember phrase there is not only memory queues for the answers, but also their order from inferior to superior. I learnt how to memorize human anatomy almost entirely without notes!

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Anatomy and Physiology Help - Fascinating Processes Are at Work


The anatomy and physiology of the human body is very complex, to say the least. This science explores how our bodies are constructed and how its many systems operate. Humans are naturally curious about their bodies. We want to know how our systems function. Anatomy and physiology are subdivisions of biology. If you are in school learning about this science, or teaching it, anatomy and physiology help is available. What was once only available in textbooks, or in fantastic library books consisting of clear and overlapping pages, is now available online. This science helps us understand how the body enables us to run, jump, breathe, eat and sleep, to name a few.

Anatomy and Physiology Help - Fascinating Processes Are at Work

Courses in anatomy and physiology help students better comprehend the intricate mechanisms at work within the human body. Having this understanding helps one to understand physicians, make good decisions that will improve their own health, and make important decisions down the road in health care for their family. Students planning a career in medicine will always have courses in anatomy and physiology as a base of study. Anatomy and physiology help is available online. These consist of diagrams, quizzes, tutorials, dictionaries, movies, and many more helps.

Anatomy is the branch of biology which studies the structure of living things within the human body. This study includes and leads to understanding the operations of organs, cells, tissues, bones, cartilages, muscles, blood, the brain, and the nervous system, to name a few. These large areas can also be sub-divided into smaller categories of study. These categories in anatomy and physiology help are almost endless. For simplicity in study, some group the areas of the body into these four main categories. Firstly, the regional groups, secondly, the major organ systems, thirdly, the superficial anatomy, and fourthly, the internal organs.

The regional group includes the neck and head, upper limb, thorax, abdomen, back, pelvis and perineum, and lower limb. The major organ systems include the circulatory, endocrine, digestive, immune, integumentary, nervous, respiratory, lymphatic, reproductive, and urinary. The superficial anatomy refers to the surface anatomy of bodily landmarks from which physicians can use as reference points to gauge the position of deeper structures. The internal organs comprise the last group. The physiology of anatomy helps one understand how all of these different structures work together! When you access anatomy and physiology help you will begin a fascinating journey of the human body.

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Crime Scene Forensics - Studying the Anatomy of Human Hair


Suppose a dead body was found and crime scene investigators are called out to the scene to investigate. One of the few things they find left behind on the victim or in the back seat of a car is human hair.

Crime Scene Forensics - Studying the Anatomy of Human Hair

What is so special about hair to the criminalists? In this article, I will discuss the anatomy of human hair and what part of hair is the focus of a forensic investigation.

Hair grows out of the skin from a hole containing highly specialized cells called the follicle. There are three things that make up the shaft of human hair. The forensic scientist can use any of these three things to find a match between hair taken from the victim and unknown hair taken from the back seat of a car. The makeup of hair resembles that of a yellow No. 2 pencil that you used in school. From inside out, the medulla would be the lead, the cortex would be the wood, and the cuticle would be the yellow paint on the outside of the pencil.

  • Medulla: The central part of the hair is called the medulla which contains a slew of cells but looks as though it is an empty or mud-filled central tube. The internal diameter of the "tube" with regard to the overall diameter of the hair is referred to as the medullary index. In human beings, the medullary index is measured out to be 0.3. What this means is that the medulla makes up 30% of the total diameter of the hair. In animals the medullary index is a bit larger than 0.5. If forensic scientists determine that hair found in the back seat of a car has a medullary index greater than 0.5, they can conclude that the hair is not human in origin. Another thing in the medulla that forensic scientists look for is whether the medulla looks solid and continuous, or fragmented. Such characteristics can help the scientist determine the species of origin. There are databases of hair types from various animals that help criminalists arrive at a match.
  • Cortex: External to the medulla is the cortex. It is the largest part of the shaft and is the part that contains pigment, the substance that gives hair its color. Pigment particles display a wide range of colors, shapes, and distribution patterns. All of these characteristics help forensic scientists determine race, match unknown to known hair, and identify origin of hair. On the microscopic scale, forensic scientists take advantage of the pattern of air pockets and structures within the cortex to arrive at a match.
  • Cuticle: The cuticle refers to the layer of cells that cover the external surface of the shaft and resemble scales on a fish or maybe tiles on a roof. Forensic scientists take advantage of the patterns found in the cuticle to determine if hair is human and whether or not there is a match between this hair to another.

Small hairs can not escape the prying eyes of an expert forensic scientist. Finding a consistent pattern between unknown and known hair can bring crime scene investigators one step closer to solving a crime.

The next time you watch your favorite CSI TV show, you will have a better understanding of why hair is important in a criminal investigation.

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Yoga, Anatomy, and the Human Machine


Understanding Yoga anatomy is critical to understanding the benefits and risks, of practicing and teaching, Yoga asanas or pranayama techniques. The study of human anatomy will teach you about the organization and intricate functioning of the human skeleton, muscles, internal organs, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. A good Yoga instructor will have a firm foundation in the anatomy of Yoga, so that he or she is aware of the correct alignment of Yoga poses and the safest way to move in and out of the asanas. A firm understanding of the anatomy of the respiratory system is also very helpful for teaching Yoga students correct breathing techniques, which will leave them with a feeling of energized calmness.

Yoga, Anatomy, and the Human Machine

If you are an aspiring Yoga instructor, a course in Yoga anatomy, with an emphasis on comparative anatomy, is a great foundation for your personal practice, or the sequencing of asanas in your Yoga classes. An understanding of comparative anatomy will also help you to ascertain the difference in your students' musculature systems. Although human anatomy is remarkably similar from human machine to human machine, the anatomy of individuals can differ. A competent Yoga instructor will be able to see these differences and adjust a student's alignment in the Yoga poses accordingly.

A thorough understanding of Yoga anatomy, as it relates to the human machine, will also teach you about the functioning of the nervous, circulatory, and digestive systems. Yoga teachers, who study anatomy, will learn how students are affected by a regular practice of Yoga asanas and pranayama techniques. This knowledge will benefit you, both on a personal level and a professional level, as a Yoga instructor. You will gain the knowledge of how to move in and out of the asanas safely. As time goes on, you will view the asanas and pranayama practices as therapeutic tools for creating health and balance amongst all of the systems of the human body.

If you are well-versed in Yoga anatomy, you will understand the different angles, capabilities, and limitations of the various joints, muscles, bones, and ligaments of the human body. Of course, different Yoga asanas require that the body move in a variety of ways. Pushing too hard in a Yoga asana, or pranayama exercise, will create muscular pain, strained joints, and a general feeling of anxiety or unease.

A thorough study of Yoga anatomy will teach you about the optimum alignment in Yoga asanas and how to avoid injury. Understanding Yoga anatomy, thoroughly, will also give you great respect for the miraculous design of the human machine.

© Copyright 2011 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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For Human Anatomy Students - Study and Learn Physiology the Right Way


Organizing the body in your human anatomy course means putting things in logical order. This is a little tricky when it comes to the body. because you are not quite sure what to start with. The natural inclination is to start with the skeletal system. This is a great choice when you are ready to get into the study of the systems, but your not quite there yet.

For Human Anatomy Students - Study and Learn Physiology the Right Way

You need to go back one step further. and determine what is the skeletal system made up of. This part is easy, its simply made up of cells like the entire body is. Once you have completed your study of cells. you will then be ready to move forward.

When you get to the study of the skeletal system you will learn that its what holds your body up. So what is the body? Yes, its all the systems and organs that you are going to learn about, but the body is made up of tissue. Where the skeleton holds the body up, it's the tissue that holds everything in. Without tissue, the inside of the lungs would spill out. Without tissue, the inside of the kidneys would be exposed. This applies to every organ and internal item with the body. The tissue is the case, or the cover. You need to know what the tissue is comprised of.

You are going to say its comprised of cells and that's correct. However all these cells collectively bond together to make what? Tissue of course. That's not where this part of the study ends. You need to now understand the different structures of the tissue.

To make your notes for this part of the study remember that you will be studying the tissue in layers because it is made up of layers. You must learn and have a thorough understanding of what each layer does and its function. Reason being, you are going to need to know this so you will under the structures of the organs ,when you get to that part of your Human Anatomy studies.

In your text book you will most certainly have illustrations pointing out the major areas of your notes. The best way you can learn, is draw these each time you cover a point that has a picture explaining it. Do your best to do your drawings step by step with little box notes underneath each drawing. Color the diagram and match the border of the text with the same color.

If you follow these methods throughout your entire study of the Human Anatomy, you will have your knowledge stored in a very precise methodical order. Then when it comes time to write exams, you will automatically approach them in the same orderly way.

Its getting close to the time that you now need to draw a flow chart. Your flow chart should be a series of blocks. In each block as you learn a new section put the highlights in the block, then when you study the next topic do the same in the next block. This will serve as a check sheet when you are studying, to make sure you don't leave out a step. With the amount of information you are absorbing it can easily be done. Not as likely when you get into the major systems, but it can happen when learning the basics.

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11 Hot Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed


Ever wanted to achieve more sexual pleasure for you and your partner? Ever wondered how to last longer in bed as a man? Have you ever felt like your sexual patterns are preventing you and your lover from experiencing sex as blissfully as you know it can be? Does the prospect of having sex sometimes seem too daunting just because of a history of unsatisfying experiences? Changing your sexual patterns may be a burning issue for you, a passing curiosity or perhaps you know someone that could benefit from this information.
In any case I am sure you will find the following informative and interesting.

11 Hot Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed

1. Slow down.

It may seem obvious, but the number one way to make sex last longer is to do everything slower. Breathing, feeling, foreplay, kissing and intercourse are all parts of the sex act that do not need to be rushed.

2. Give everything time.

Every moment in sex is worth experiencing fully. Let things unfold in their own time and you will be rewarded with richer experiences during sex and more learning and satisfaction from sex.

3. Deepen your breathing.

Our breath connects us deeply to our body and its rhythms, as well as the rhythm of other bodies near us. Focusing on breathing also helps to quiet the mind and sooth any internal dialogue that may be interfering with our natural enjoyment of the sex. Here's a hint, try synchronising your deep slow breathing with your partner's.

4. Let go of expectations.

Without expectations around sex, we are free to more naturally savour the experience... however it is! We can be more open to the experience and learn more as a result. Without expectations we free ourselves from disappointment.

Here's a trick... see if you can implement these techniques to improve your sex, without caring whether they work!

5. Focus on pleasure in sex rather than the sex act or outcome.

Regardless of certain ideas of sex perpetuated in the world, sex is not about the ending, it is about the whole experience. Getting the girl, having an orgasm, giving an orgasm... these are all important aspects of sex. But the most important element of sex is pleasure! When you start enjoying every moment of sex... it will go on as long as you want!

6. Increase knowledge of your body.

Take the time to understand what brings you pleasure and learn how to pleasure yourself better. Don't forget to share your new knowledge with your partner too. Read up about anatomy. The human body is amazing!

7. Increase knowledge of your partner's body.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and always be open to trying new things in bed. Explore every part of your partner's body like you have never seen or touched it before. Every time you engage in sex it is a perfect opportunity to expand your sexual knowledge. You can learn a lot about the human body by asking friends about their experiences too.

8. Reframe sex as a nurturing healing act.

When we attach shame and guilt to sex it is no wonder that it doesn't flow naturally. Adjust your mindset around sex to reflect only positive aspects. Sex feels so good, how could a gift like this be anything other than healing!

9. Let go of performance anxiety.

Performance anxiety is unnecessary. Be kind to yourself. Learn to forgive yourself if things don't go perfectly, and then learn to stop caring about perfect anyway.

10. Feel your body from within.

Our sensual experience can be deepened dramatically by focusing on our experience from within our body. Get out of your head and let your consciousness move to the centre of your body.

11. Be present.

Don't let the mind wander or engage in pointless internal chatter. Don't let your fantasies and thoughts take you further from the experience at hand. Be in the present experience and the present moment. So there you have it. Any of these tips individually can start to impact on your sexual performance right now. If you learn them all, you will be a master of your body in and out of the bedroom. You will find how to last longer in bed, too. Don't be daunted if it takes a little time though... these are life changing techniques and may take a bit of practice.

And most importantly of course, enjoy yourself practicing!

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Arteries and Veins


In today's newsletter, we're going to talk about the vascular system -- your arteries and veins. Unlike our discussion of the heart, which required a great deal of anatomy, our discussion of anatomy today will be much simpler. As I've stated previously, my goal in this series is not to make you doctors, but to help you understand enough about your body's systems and how they work so that you can communicate with your doctor and actively participate in your treatment. If you have high blood pressure, blood clots, or atherosclerosis, it's imperative that you fully understand how that happened, the physiological consequences of any medical treatments, and any viable alternatives that might be available to you.

Arteries and Veins

That's what we will cover today.

Circulatory Systems

As we discussed previously, you have several distinct circulatory systems.

The pulmonary system that carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs, and then returns the refreshed oxygenated blood back to the heart.

The systemic system that carries the oxygenated blood away from the heart out to every single cell in your body, and then returns the spent deoxygenated blood back to the heart so that it can be sent out through the pulmonary system.

There is actually a third system, the portal system, which loops within certain organs or areas of the body that we will discuss in future newsletters.

The important thing to understand about these circulatory systems is that they are "closed looped." Unless there is injury, no blood leaves them. As you will see, even the nourishment that every single cell in your body receives from your blood happens without that blood ever leaving the closed system. This becomes key when we talk about blood pressure.

The circulatory systems are comprised of:

- Arteries.

- Arterioles.

- Capillaries.

- Veins.

All told, these four components make up some 50,000 miles of passageways in the body. Let's take a look at them in more detail.

Arterial system

Arteries, arterioles, and capillaries make up the arterial system. Arteries and arterioles have only one function--to move blood throughout the body. That's all they do. They are channels, tubes, pipes if you will. As long as they are unclogged, flexible, and undamaged, they do their job. The primary difference between arteries and arterioles is one of size. Arterioles are just the smallest arteries you can see with the naked eye. Again, arteries and arterioles have only one function, to move blood. They do not feed any cells of the body--not even their own. That's actually a fun little bit of trivia. The arteries of your body are not fed by the blood that flows through them. They require their own network of blood vessels called the vasa vasorum (literally, vessels of a vessel) that feed them -- from the outside!

As I mentioned, I'm not going to get into naming all of the arteries in the body; but for the most part, arteries take their names from either the organs they supply (e.g.., the hepatic artery, which feeds the liver) or the areas through which they travel (e.g., the subclavian artery, which travels under the clavicle--AKA, the collar bone).


Capillaries are quite different in function. They are not designed to shuttle blood. In fact, blood hardly flows through them at all as they are so small they allow only one blood cell at a time to pass through. Instead, the capillaries are the end point of the arterial system. It is in the capillaries that food and oxygen are exchanged with every cell in your body (except your cornea and the lens of your eye). Amazingly, of the 50,000 miles of circulation in the body, capillaries comprise over 49,000 miles.

Unlike the arteries, capillaries are invisible to the naked eye. They are smaller than a human hair--microscopic. And it is because they are so small and their walls are so thin, that capillaries serve as the exchange system for food and oxygen in the body. Keep in mind that every single cell in the body (except the cornea and lens) is near a capillary. That means that as blood passes through the ultra thin capillaries, it is easy for oxygen and tiny sugar and protein molecules (the end products of digestion) to "exchange" through the walls of the vessel and feed every single cell in the body.

Capillaries also serve as the connecting point between the arterial system and venous system that returns deoxygenated blood to the heart. The same exchange system that works to feed the cells of the body works in reverse. Cells pass their waste such as carbon dioxide back through the walls of the capillaries, where the blood cells recently relieved of their oxygen payload, can now pick up the CO2 waste from the cell and carry it back to the lungs for exchange with fresh oxygen.

Surprisingly, there's more "space" inside the tiny capillaries than can be filled by your entire blood supply. If all your capillaries were "open" simultaneously, your blood pressure would drop precipitously, and you would die. What happens, though, is that your body intelligently shunts blood into different capillaries as needed. When functioning properly, this is a pressure regulating mechanism. The body can open more capillaries to lower pressure, and close off sections if needed to raise pressure.

Note: our bodies retain the ability to sprout new capillaries throughout our entire lives.

Venous System

The venous system returns deoxygenated blood to the heart, and for the most part, it pretty much parallels the arterial system in all aspects--just in reverse. Whereas the arteries start out large (the aorta) and end small (the capillaries), the venous system starts small (the capillaries) and ends large (the vena cava). Veins tend to run right next to their corresponding arteries, and in fact have similar names. The subclavian vein, for example, runs in tandem with the subclavian artery under your collar bone. The primary exception is the vena cava, which is the aorta's counterpart.

How arteries and veins are constructed

In this section, we start learning how problems occur. For it is their different construction (dictated by their different functions) that defines the nature of the things that can go wrong such as hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, and blood clots.


Arterial walls are composed of elastic tissue and smooth muscle. It is their elastic nature and the presence of substantial muscle tissue that allows them to expand and contract as the heart beats. This allows them to even out the increase in pressure caused by each beat. This is one of the primary reasons why hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) increases blood pressure. If you pump more fluid through the same sized tube, pressure must increase. On the other hand, if the tube is flexible and can widen, the increase is less. (We will talk more about this later.)


Veins are thinner walled than arteries and have less elastic tissue, and much, much less smooth muscle tissue. Instead, veins make use of valves and the muscle contraction of your body's major skeletal muscles to squeeze blood along. This is the reason you're asked to get up and walk around on a long plane flight--to prevent blood from pooling in your legs. As a side note, the lack of muscle in the walls of veins makes them more susceptible to bleeding when injured since there's no muscle to clamp down.

Problems that can occur in arteries

There isn't much mystery as to what the problem is--the build up of arterial plaque on the walls of the arteries and arterioles. There is, however, a great deal of mystery as to what causes it.

The basic problem is that arterial plaque (a combination of protein, calcium and cholesterol) starts building up on the walls of the arteries. This causes the arteries to both harden and narrow. So far so good! But what causes that buildup?

The cholesterol theory

The primary theory lays the blame on cholesterol--that as cholesterol levels climb in the blood, this causes plaque to form on the walls of the arteries. But this theory begins to collapse under even the most elementary scrutiny. As I mentioned in my newsletter, the Cholesterol Myth, one of my favorite questions to ask doctors is, "If cholesterol is the main culprit in heart disease, why don't veins ever get narrowed and blocked?" And if you wanted to, you could throw capillaries into the equation too. Capillaries do not evidence the build up of arterial plaque. (They do, however, clog with amyloid plaque in the brain. But that's a different problem that we'll cover in a later newsletter.)

Think about this for a moment. If you have cholesterol circulating equally through the entire circulatory system, but it only causes plaque to build up in the arteries and arterioles, not the capillaries or veins, then how can cholesterol be the primary cause of the problem? If cholesterol caused plaque to form, wouldn't it form everywhere? Since it only forms in the arteries, doesn't the problem have to be something unique to those arteries?

The arterial wall theory

A more sophisticated version of the theory says that the build up of plaque is triggered by damage to the arterial wall--the endothelial lining. The lining consists of a thin layer of endothelial cells that performs two critical functions:

- It protects the "innards" of the artery from toxic substances in the blood.

- It helps regulate the expansion and contraction of the arteries by releasing a bio-chemical (cyclic GMP) into the cells of the smooth muscle in the arterial wall that change the tone or firmness of the artery.

- In an attempt to repair damage to the endothelium, your body will "patch" the damage with plaque.

- This produces one of two conditions--two sides of the same coin really.

Artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Damage to the endothelial lining is "managed" by the smooth muscle cells surrounding the lining. Smooth muscle cells respond to endothelial injury by rapidly multiplying and producing a fibrin/calcium/cholesterol patch. These patches, called plaques occur just inside the lining and thicken the artery's inner wall. Over time, given multiple injuries, the wall of the artery begins to harden and become dysfunctional, no longer expanding and contracting to regulate blood pressure --and steadily narrowing the passageway through which blood flows.

Arteriosclerosis (plaque build up)

Another way of describing this process is that your body creates plaque to "paste over" any damaged areas--like a scab over a cut. Over time, given repeated injury, these plaques intrude more and more on the inner passage of the artery steadily compromising the ability of the artery to expand and contract and for blood to flow freely.

But it gets worse

The damage to the arterial wall also triggers an immune response with white blood cells flooding the area. This leads to a chronic inflammatory response in the blood vessel. Continued inflammation causes even more damage, which accelerates the process.

All of this, of course, brings up the ,000 question: "Since the entire theory hinges on damage to the endothelial lining, what actually causes the damage to the lining, and why doesn't it happen to the lining of the veins?"

Once again, oxidized fats and LDL cholesterol are named as the key culprits. Other suspected culprits include:

- Free radicals.

- High blood pressure (yes, high blood pressure begets more high blood pressure).

- Diabetes.

- High homocysteine levels.

- High C-Reactive Protein levels.

- Low levels of vitamin C (similar to scurvy).

- Low levels of nitric oxide.

- Heavy metals.

- Aging.

- Muscle matters

But once again, the question arises: "Are not all of these things present in the capillaries and veins too?" The answer, of course, is yes they are--which means there's still a missing piece in the equation. The answer, according to the pH theory, lies not in what flows through the arteries and veins (which is identical), but in their construction (which is different). The key difference between arteries and veins is in the amount of muscle tissue surrounding the endothelial lining. In arteries and arterioles, the smooth muscle is extensive. In veins, it is minimal. And in capillaries, it is totally absent. Why does this matter?

It matters because when muscle tissue is used it produces lactic acid. If your body is healthy (in an alkaline state) and has ready access to an abundant source of oxygen rich blood, that lactic acid can clear quickly. But for those people who eat a high acid forming diet and are in an acidic state, the lactic acid cannot clear quickly. (Remember, blood vessels do not have direct access to the oxygen in the blood that flows through them. They are dependent on the vasa vasorum.) It is the lactic acid that provides the final trigger that causes damage to occur in arterial linings, but not so in veins. It is the presence of accumulated lactic acid in the smooth muscles surrounding arteries that ultimately causes plaques to form.

But even beyond lactic acid, there's another area where muscle tissue matters: nitric oxide. The contraction of the muscles in the arterial walls is regulated by a signaling molecule that we referred to earlier called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP) in the muscle cells. Cyclic GMP causes the arterial muscle to relax, in preparation for its next contraction. Cyclic GMP is triggered by nitric oxide, which is produced in the endothelial lining. The ability of the lining to manufacture enough nitric oxide to maintain artery dilation is one of its most crucial functions. As damage continues to build in the lining, it blocks nitric oxide-induced dilation, thus stiffening the arteries.

High Blood Pressure

If the arterial blockages happen in your coronary arteries, the result, as we've discussed previously, is coronary heart disease and a heart attack. If it happens in the carotid arteries leading to the brain, it can cause a stroke.

In most cases, however, the damage happens systemically, throughout your arterial system, and the result is high blood pressure. As a quick review, blood pressure is a measurement of the two pressures in your circulatory system as your heart beats. The increased pressure produced in your circulatory system by the contraction of the left ventricle is referred to as systolic pressure. The reduced pressure during relaxation is called diastolic pressure. These are the two numbers your doctor gives you when reading your blood pressure (e.g., 120 over 70). Both low and high blood pressure are dangerous, but low blood pressure is usually easier to manage. High blood pressure, on the other hand, tends to be more intractable and harder to manage--and therefore more dangerous.

Your body has many mechanisms for controlling blood pressure.

- It can change the amount of blood the heart pumps.

- It can change the diameter of arteries, and the volume of blood in the bloodstream.

- To increase blood pressure, it can pump more blood by pumping more forcefully or more rapidly.

- It can also increase pressure by narrowing arteries (particularly the arterioles), forcing the blood from each heartbeat through a narrower space than normal.

- It can seal off capillaries forcing the blood into a smaller space, thereby increasing pressure.

- The body can add fluid to the bloodstream (regulated by the kidneys) to increase blood volume and thus increase blood pressure.

- And it can remove fluid from the blood (also regulated by the kidneys), thereby decreasing pressure.

All of these things happen automatically, regulated by a healthy body, without your even thinking about it. In addition, blood-pressure measurements can vary throughout the day, affected by everything from:

- Food.

- Alcohol.

- Caffeine.

- Smoking.

- Stress.

- Climate.

- And the time of day.

Blood pressure changes that occur naturally during the day are the result of the body's internal (circadian) rhythms. In most people, blood pressure rises rapidly in the early morning hours, in anticipation of rising and beginning the day. This is not the result of the physical act of rising but is a preset system that automatically increases a person's blood pressure at that time. Likewise, pressure normally starts dropping early in the evening in anticipation of going to sleep.

All of these things mentioned so far, have nothing to do with clinical hypertension unless they result in secondary damage such as can be caused by smoking and alcohol or sustained stress. Clinical hypertension is a chronic and dangerous condition caused by:

- Constricted arteries.

- Hardened arteries.

- Malfunctioning kidneys (which we'll talk about in a subsequent newsletter).

If left untreated, chronic hypertension can cause:

- Damage to the heart muscle because of the extra load it puts on the heart.

- Strokes.

- Kidney damage--which leads to more hypertension, which leads to more kidney damage, etc.

And ultimately, it kills you.

Problems that can occur in veins

As we've already discussed, veins do not have a substantial amount of muscle tissue to contract and squeeze blood along. That means that without physical activity to cause the skeletal muscles to squeeze the veins:

- Blood has a tendency to pool and stop flowing in veins--particularly in the legs where gravity works against you.

- Blood that isn't flowing tends to clot.

- Clots tend to propagate more clotting around the original clot.

- Cumulatively, this can form very large clots.

- Large clots that stay in place and block the flow of blood cause phlebitis.

If the clot breaks free and starts traveling through the circulatory system, it's called a thrombus. At whatever point it lodges in a blood vessel and blocks it, it's called an embolism. If you think back to our discussion of the venous system, you'll remember that veins get steadily bigger as blood moves back to the heart. That means that clots that break free in the legs are unlikely to be stopped anywhere on their way back to the heart. The first place they are likely to lodge is when the right ventricle of the heart pumps them out into the pulmonary circulatory system on the way to the lungs. If the clot is fairly small, it will lodge in the lung itself and block the flow of blood to a section of the lung, killing it. This is called a pulmonary embolism. Larger clots can actually lodge in the pulmonary artery feeding an entire lung...killing the lung just like that. Or the clot can lodge at the juncture where the pulmonary artery divides between the two lungs, which will kill both lungs an instant.

DVT, or deep vein thrombosis, is the term now commonly associated with clots that form as the result of prolonged sitting on an airplane. They tend to break free the next time you start moving again with any vigor. This can be several days or weeks after the plane flight itself, which means many people never connect the two events.

There is one other notable place that clots tend to form. As a result of low blood flow or damaged valves, clots can form in the left atrium of the heart. If the clot forms there, it's already past the pulmonary circulatory system so it can't affect the lungs. Unfortunately, the next stop for the clot is out into the systemic circulatory system, where it has a good chance of being pushed up into the brain causing a stroke.

What doctors do about these problems

Medical treatments for vascular problems never address the actual causes, but seek instead to force test results back into line. What is your doctor likely to offer?

Clogged arteries

Modern medicine really only has two approaches.

1. Surgically repair the damaged area (bypasses and angioplasties).

2. Use drugs to improve the flow of blood through the damaged area and minimize the production of cholesterol, which serves as one of the triggers.

Neither of these approaches, of course, actually deals with the real problem.

High blood pressure

When it comes to high blood pressure, doctors rely almost exclusively on pharmaceutical drugs. The four major classes of drugs are:

1. Diuretics, which reduce pressure by making you pee out water from your body. Reduce the volume of fluid in your blood, and you reduce the pressure. Unfortunately, side effects can include dizziness, weakness, an increased risk of strokes, and impotence. (Not to worry, there are medications to alleviate the side effects.)

2. Calcium channel blockers, which work to relax and widen the arteries--thus reducing blood pressure. Then again, a major side effect of channel blockers is a 60% increased risk of heart attack.

3. Beta blockers, which work by weakening the heart so it won't pump as strongly, thereby reducing blood pressure. One of the major problems with beta blockers, though, is the increased risk of congestive heart failure.

4. ACE inhibitors (the new drugs of choice), which like the calcium channel blockers, also work to relax and widen the arteries. Unfortunately, ACE inhibitors can produce severe allergic reactions, can be deadly to fetuses and children who are breastfeeding, and can cause severe kidney damage.
Again, none of these drugs deals with the actual cause of the high blood pressure. They are merely an attempt to force test numbers into line and prevent people from immediately dying.

Blood clots and DVT

If doctors are worried about clots (such as after bypass surgery), they put patients on blood thinners. The standard is Coumadin (warfarin). Aside from the usual jokes that Coumadin is essentially rat poison (which it is), it has serious side effects. It can cause severe internal bleeding that can be life-threatening and even cause death. You can always tell a person on warfarin by the extensive bruising all over their body since even the slightest bump or touch is enough to cause internal bleeding. It's a bit like using dynamite to open a locked door. It can do the job, but you need to be oh so careful or you'll blow up the building at the same time. There are better choices.

Note: some people might think aspirin is a good alternative. It's not. While aspirin may be beneficial at keeping blood flowing through arteries, studies indicate it has no effect on preventing clots from forming in veins.

What are the options?

As it turns out, for most major heart problems, you have a world of alternatives--certainly safer and often far more effective than their medical counterparts.

Clogged arteries

- Studies have shown that dietary changes alone can unplug arteries.

- Proteolytic enzymes, particularly formulas that contain either nattokinase or lumbrokinase, can break down the proteins that hold plaque together stuck to arterial walls--effectively dissolving it.
Proteolytic enzymes can also help dissolve scarring of the endothelial lining.
And proteolytic formulas that contain seaprose-s, serrapeptase, and/or endonase can help reduce arterial inflammation that both constricts arteries in real time and contributes to future long term damage.

- Sufficient Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet also help reduce arterial inflammation and dramatically reduce the circulating levels of damaging NEFAs.

- Antioxidants such as SOD, pomegranate, grape seed extract (AKA OPCs), and pycnogenol help heal the endothelial lining, thereby preventing future plaque and helping to heal current plaque.

- Methylating supplements such as B6, folic acid, B12, TMG, and SAMe help reduce homocysteine levels, thereby reducing damage to the endothelial lining.

- L-arginine and noni extract assist the smooth muscle in arterial walls in obtaining sufficient nitric oxide to function properly.

- Regular heavy metal detoxing can reduce a major cause of irritation to the endothelial lining and a primary instigator of plaque formation.

- And raising body pH through proper diet and the use of supplements such as coral calcium reduces lactic acid levels in the arterial smooth muscle, thereby minimizing damage to arterial linings.

As you can see, there is a world of choices you can make that can dramatically change your vascular outcomes. Virtually all of them are covered if you're following the Baseline of Health Program.

High blood pressure

Pretty much everything you do to reduce clogging of the arteries will, by definition, help to reduce blood pressure. In addition, though, you can also consider:

Lose weight. Simple laws of physics apply here. As we've already discussed, your blood vessels have to service every single cell in your body. The more body mass you have, the more pressure you need to force blood through the system. Lose weight; less pressure required.

If you smoke, stop. Smoking constricts blood vessels and raises pressure.

If you're stressed, try meditation or biofeedback. As part of your body's "flight and fight" mechanisms, stress increases heart rate and blood pressure to help respond to the short term stress of an attack from a saber toothed tiger. Twenty-four/seven stress was not designed into the system. Prolonged stress definitely impacts blood pressure levels. Even if you have clogged arteries, reducing stress levels can still help drop your blood pressure levels significantly.

Herbs such as passionflower, apocynum venetum, hawthorne, and stevia (yes stevia) have all been shown in clinical studies to help lower blood pressure.

Blood clots and DVT

Proteolytic enzymes, particularly formulas that contain either nattokinase or lumbrokinase are just as effective at preventing clots, with wide ranging dosage tolerances. In other words, good proteolytic formulas work with minimal chance of side effects. In fact, a good systemic proteolytic enzyme formula that also contains enzymes such as endonase, seaprose-s, or serrapeptase can have multiple beneficial effects for the circulatory system in addition to reducing clotting. Such formulas can play a major role in reducing inflammation and scarring in the cardiovascular system and enhance cardio perfomance in athletes.


When it comes to most forms of heart disease associated with the arteries and veins, you have a world of alternatives--certainly safer and often far more effective than their medical counterparts. It's also worth noting again that if you are following the Baseline of Health Program, then you're already doing most of them.

Which brings us to the final part of our series on the anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the cardiovascular system--your blood. In the next issue will take on this most complex of subjects.

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Critical Analysis: Liberty Leading The People, A Painting By Delacroix


Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863), a French painter of romantic period known for his exuberant colors and radical themes. His painting "Liberty Leading the People" is one of the most famous and radical picture of its time. It is a sort of work that in very first glance just capture the viewer's eye through its dynamic subject. This painting was produced in 1830 with a size of approx. 8 ft 6 in x 10 ft 8 in. The medium of this work is oil on canvas rendered in Romantic style. The subject of this work is derived from the world famous French Revolution that began in 1789 when common people or bourgeois stood for their rights.

Critical Analysis: Liberty Leading The People, A Painting By Delacroix

This painting is a connotation of strides for uprising, focusing on the determination, commitment and intellectual strength that forced the working middle class of France to get their destination by changing their destiny. We will analyze this work formally as well as contextually by keeping in view the elements and form of the work as well as the historical, psychological and social grounds.

Most of Delacroix's canvases are dark in background against which he put the vibrant colors to get the desired, visually stimulant effect. This painting is very strong triangularly composed work with figures put mainly in two categories, the figures just lying dead in the foreground in the left-lower triangle of the canvas and the dynamically marching figures on the top-left triangle. Apart from this division, the main female figure is composed just right to the center of the painting with French flag poised exactly in the middle of the frame. This composition itself denotes the main figure with the flag, the determination of the cause; the uprising and the struggle to achieve it, shown by the strides forward, which have placed her high in the picture. With gun in left lowering hand and the tricolor flag in the right rising hand show the hype and importance of the woman. Tricolor flag also harmonized with the triangular composition.
The lively lines used by the painter in this work suggest the unrest that was present at that juncture of time. The uprising is denoted by the movement of lines coming upward from dark bottom part of the canvas. The contrast of dynamic and static lines has put an interesting study in the painting as the foreground with people lying dead represent the horizontality of the area which is without any movement and providing space to the main female figure, who in curvy, live and vertical linear representation portray the energy and effort she is putting in. but the upright posture again manifest the straightness and affirmation of the intention behind the effort.

The flag and the clouds are treated in the same wavy outlines giving a sense of movement, as flag and clouds are linked here for the representation of the liveliness and protectiveness of the cause. The total environment of the painting suggests the change from static, mournful and depressed life to lively, colorful and energetic one. The upper portion of the painting physically stands for the goals that are to be achieved after all the effort. The uprising is rendered physically by upper portion and the deteriorated condition from which the revolt erupted, is denoted by lower dark part of the frame.

Colors used in the painting correspond to the dark foreground with dead bodies and as we go upward, there is light, brightness and sharpness in hues. This treatment of colors is representation of an uprising as darkness represents the gloomy, sorrowful and regretful attitude towards life while the sharp and bright colors on the upper portion suggest the change or hype; all the efforts have been put forth for.
Although Delacroix has treated all parts of the canvass with same technique and the texture of the painting is evenly uniform but he has, by showing clouds and flag moving, created a visual texture to signify the change. The dull and dark lower part has darks and lights but the upper part has got texture within the brightness caused by the smoke of a cannon.

This brightness put against the darkness of the bottom part of the painting, creates chiaroscuro, an optical element that can add movement to any painting, but here keeping in view the French revolution and the efforts for uprising by the middle-working or bourgeois class, the chiaroscuro presented in the painting diagonally, put emphasis on the expedition from darkness towards light. In this painting the presence of dark and light actually refer to struggle for change from low, gloomy and stingy condition to high, bright and satisfied state; an uprising, for what all the people of working middle class gathered and got out of the darkness of mind as well as of fate. The light on the upper right corner of the canvass advocate the shift or swing of the collective as well as the individual psyche of the people that caused them to stride for uprising.

As the main figure of half-goddess, half-human is leading people or showing them the way to uprising, Delacroix has put volume to her figure. She is not a soft skinned, fragile looking semi nude as most of the Rembrandt's or Renoir's figures are in keyhole or bathing paintings, but a very strongly built, motivated woman with solid body from caped head to firmly striding toe, showing her stance for a certain cause. Apart from her, no one else has got this quality of "solidity". The detail of her anatomy, the folds of her dress and the flying tricolor add to her personality massively. The other massive thing is smoke that is painted significantly to show the complete abolishment of the royal rule. Therefore, the volume of smoke is referring an end while the solidity of the female figure represents the beginning of something high and grandeur.

The idea of uprising is so importantly portrayed in this picture, that everything behind has been put ambiguously in the smoke, so we can say the element of perspective is not precisely created, although not neglected. The sole architecture of the Norte Dam on the right suggest the depth or a feeling of distance, or the obscurely painted swords and rifles with emerging heads of few figures from thick smoke of guns or cannons behind the main figure of Liberty suggest a sense of perspective. Otherwise, everything is unclear in the background, which may be intentionally done by the painter, as his main concern is to focus the marching strides towards a destination of uprising, as the entire revolutions do, leaving everything behind.

The plan for this painting is quite symmetrical with lines from both lower corners, going towards a high point in the top middle of the canvass where the tricolor is flying, generating a close composition. The main figure is slightly right from the middle of the canvas while flag and the rifle in both hands imply a sense of triangular symmetry. Basically this painting is on triangular plan, divided further diagonally into two right angle triangles. So it could be said that the painting is balanced due to the fact that the middle figure along with three other marching figures representing the uprising, make a triangular composition. The light and the dark areas also render two triangles; moreover, the canvass is divided into two horizontal rectangles consisting of lying dead bodies and active human beings respectively. Since the space is divided into triangles and rectangles which are balanced geometrical shapes, we can say that the whole composition is balanced and symmetrical.

All the elements of the painting let the viewer to focus on the main figure and her activity that leads to understand the importance and the fatality of the cause; the uprising, for which all the working middle class struggled hard. This struggle has made the whole painting revolving around the main female figure; her body is presented standing high and firm in proportion to the high erected building of the Norte Dame on the right side. Apart from these two elements, all is in supportive proportion. All other figures, background elements, foreground corpse and the centrally placed tricolor (the French Flag) all the elements are suggesting an upward sense which is synonymous to uprising.

There are two focal points juxtaposed close to each other, denoting the struggle and the objective, the uprising would carry about. One is the flying tricolor flag and the other is just beneath that; the exposed upper body of the main figure. Viewer's eye is on the move from one to the other, causing an upward motion towards the flag; the symbol of successfully achieved goal and the revealing shoulders and breasts of the Liberty; denotation of the sacrifice and struggle the nation has put forth. But at the same time the sympathetic focal point may lay on the central figure with everything live or dynamic behind her. Only the tricolor flag is above her which shows the importance of the flag to fly high as a symbol of the developed mental and social condition of the bourgeois class.

In order to value the strides for the uprising the number three is another dominating factor in the painting. The main active figures other than the main figure are three in number relating to the three color French flag. There are three lying figures in the foreground as well, two dead ones and one alive. The composition of the painting is in triangular pattern, and there are three guns visible in the hands of the activists. The wooden pieces lying on the right side of the painting are also three in number which also bore the name of the painter and the year of the painting. So, there is a repetition of "three" that may also relate the revolution as a sacred activity to the concept of trinity in Christianity.

As the revolution and the relevant struggle were towards a certain goal of uprising, there is not mach variety present in the subject as well as in technique. All the figures and the background represent a radical mode. So there may be found repetition in all the elements but not variety except the light and dark parts which are more to create chiaroscuro.

It could be said that this work is a close composition with central female figure representing the struggle or strides for the uprising. The tall, marching forward female has got the highest point with head turned towards her right shoulder making a connection to the past or people following her. All the other elements in the painting are on both side of the main figure and lesser in height that marks a close composition in a triangular plan. This close composition is actually forcing the viewer to lead to the focal point to imply the importance of the cause, the revolution was all about. Therefore the unity in composition, keeping in consideration the close composition, is a vital factor. This quality is usually present in all the Delacroix's work since mostly his subjects for paintings are from mythology or deducted from literature. Therefore, he has to consider the unity of composition for the expression that may always be within the limits of his comprehension and its interpretation through painting.

This work of Delacroix is definitely his contribution towards the French revolution, which is also visible through the three wooden pieces lying on the lower right corner of the frame, on which he has put his signatures and the year of the painting. Some critics have suggested that the figure with top hate on, (to the right of the main female figure) is actually the painter himself, but as a painter he is more concerned about his activity as an artist rather than his mere presence in the frame.
On October 12, 1830 Delacroix wrote to his brother Charles,

"I have undertaken a modern subject, a barricade, and if I have not fought for my country, at least I will paint for her."

In my personal opinion; this is very much the case. The passion Delacroix has put in the dynamic atmosphere of the painting is not just for the artistic requirements. But it was due to the fervor and force, which was behind the revolution, which inspired all the people who had got some sentimentality. Since the artists were also very active along with the writers, one can assume the true sense of participation in the activity. Delacroix was very romantic in his approach towards choosing the subjects of his paintings as he always looked upon mythology, history and literature. He was very much inspired by the dramatic subjects of Shakespeare, so a real drama in the form of revolution should always inspire him.

This work is basically in a romantic style as the idea or the concept is very romantic. But the whole technique of the painting from dynamic lines to chiaroscuro, from triangular closed composition to the mist of smoke, every thing is under a certain peculiar style which is as real as a historically rendered document could be but, at the same time, it is very romantic in its concept and the theme. The semi nude representation of a female figure as the chief character, which seems half-god and half-human also suggests the romantic spell the painter is under while painting this work. The way Delacroix has signed this canvas by putting his name on the wooden pieces shown in the right corner of the frame is also of the same nature of portraying internal feeling of the artist towards the revolution.

To me, at first glance, this painting is like other works of Delacroix but after the detailed study, I would say, this painting is more of an elaboration of Delacroix's personality, his emotional association with the desired change and the efforts for attaining it.

Although this work intrinsically is a connotation of human emotions and his struggle for the identity, but at the same time, extrinsically this work lies in the romantic time period as well. Therefore, the combination of concept along with form with a sense of dynamism within the canvas and within the subject as well make this work a true picture of the political, social and psychological growth, the French middle working class was experiencing at the time of revolution. The strides of the main characters are the efforts to get the height, the uprising.

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Mother Love


Scientific studies conclude something mothers everywhere have always intuitively known - that the unique love they have for their offspring is vitally important to their development. A mother's love and nurturing even directly impacts the biological development of the child's brain and central nervous system. In effect, mother and child are "hard-wired" for mutual love. The brain is like a template designed to await molding by its early environment. One researcher even wrote that hugs and kisses during the early critical periods assist in making neurons grow and connect properly with other neurons.

Mother Love

Throughout childhood, warm human love and touch generate an internal release of addicting and pleasurable opiates. Even teenagers (who may act as if they don't need the parents at all) must receive ongoing neural synchrony - love - from the parents. The brain and heart appear literally designed for love, with happiness and even health depending on it.

The pituitary hormone, oxytocin, is present during all loving acts but most especially at birth where it serves to stimulate uterine contractions, and during nursing for the milk ejection reflex. It, along with the nursing hormone, prolactin, help create that intense feeling of love shared by mother and child. Endorphins are physiological chemicals that are also released in both the mother and child during loving contact. They create a feel-good high for both and thus play a critical role in encouraging affection and dependency.

When bonding fails, it is theorized that the absence of these pleasure chemicals can leave a void, making such children especially susceptible to drugs that can also release such pleasure chemicals. The stress hormone cortisol is also released when touch and love are lacking. Sensory deprivation in mother-absent children - a form of stress that stimulates the release of cortisol - can increase susceptibility to abnormalities such as depression, violence, substance abuse, and even impaired immune response.

The most natural way mothers deal with newborns in the majority of the world is with an in-arms approach. In more primitive cultures where mothers are barely allowed a break from work to give birth, babies are swaddled to the body creating constant contact and reassurance. This bathes tissues in love hormones and encourages development of healthy neural connections, particularly as the synaptic connections in the cortex develop for the first two years of life.

There is also heart-to-heart, quite literally, between mother and child. Heart muscle cells not only contract, but also communicate with one another. Isolating one cell from the heart in a petri dish causes it to lose its rhythm and begin to fibrillate until it dies. Putting two cells in proximity to one another causes them to synchronize and beat in unison. There is an unseen and as yet unmeasured communication between living cells. The beating of the mother's heart and her breathing pattern coordinate in a critical way with the infant's internal rhythms. This is part of what is known as a synchronizing hormonal flow that occurs between mother and child (directly from breast milk and also from loving contact and even from proximity and thought) that help to regulate vital rhythms in the child. Mothers instinctively place their babies to their left breast, keeping their two hearts close. The mother's developed heart actually stimulates the newborn heart activating a dialogue between the two hearts and minds. Mother and child are more appropriately considered as one, rather than two separate entities as they bond while the child is being held and nursed.

These interesting links that science is revealing between mother and child are another proof that all life is holistic and intimately interconnected. The ideal holistic model is that which nature presents and it is clear that mother and child are meant to be intimate. Children cannot simply be cast off to be fed, clothed and housed as if that were enough. Society needs to take note of this important biology as more and more pressure is put on modern families and mothers to treat newborns as just another duty to schedule into the appointment book or to have serviced by a third party. By giving love the respect it deserves and making it the starting point of life, the odds are much greater that love will then blossom in children and be carried through to their children...and, who knows, perhaps continue on to the world at large. We could use a lot of that.

Janov, Biology of Love, 2000, Prometheus Books

Odent, The Scientification of Love, 1999, Free Assn Books

Pearce, Evolution's End,1993, Harper

Amini et al, A General Theory of Love, 2001, Vintage Books.

, 2003; 117

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A Normal Kidney Size


It is usual for doctors to presume that you understand the fundamental structure of the kidneys. When arguing the outcomes of certain radiology tests (for instance ultrasounds and CT's), it is likely that they will what is wrong but not needed what is normal. Lacking understanding what is normal, it is difficult to recognize the value of how something is abnormal.

A Normal Kidney Size

Kidney size is not influenced by body shape. The kidneys develop at the same rate that the whole body develops, until physical growth stops at about 25-26. It is at this moment that internal organs get to their final dimensions.

The mean dimensions of the kidneys upon maturation are: length-about 12cm, breadth-about 6cm and thickness-about 3cm. The weight of one kidney averages about 120-150 g. Any decrease in size is abnormal. Increasing the size of a kidney is normal simply in conditions when one kidney is removed and the remaining kidney expands to recompense for the functional absence of the first.

Even if rather simple, the human kidney anatomy enables it to run really complex but vital functions. If any region of the kidney is injured or becomes diseased, this can considerably have an effect on its capability to run these functions.

A normal kidney is the size of a human fist. In spite of this, with the attendance of PKD, cysts grow in both kidneys. There might be simply a few cysts or many, and the cysts can vary in size from a pinhead to the size of a grapefruit. Once a lot of cysts grow, the kidneys can develop to be the size of a football or bigger and weigh as much as 38 pounds each.

It has been assumed from autopsy studies that variants in kidney dimensions and kidney weight are associated to gender, with weight being higher in males. In addition, it is identified that the left kidney is larger than the right one, independent of gender. A decrease of up to 40% in kidney weight happens over the years, nearly totally due to parenchymal decrease, lesser to decrease in blood supply. The kidney dimensions differ in distinct ethnic populations as well.

The result of hyperechoic renal cortex with emphasis of the corticomedullary intersections is usual of the normal sonographic arrival of the kidney of a premature newborn. Keep in mind that the normal size of the kidneys ought to not exceed 4 to 5 cm in a complete term newborn, pointing out that there is absolutely compensatory hypertrophy in this premature newborn, not unforeseen with a contralateral nonfunctioning kidney unit.

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Adipose Tissue Location In The Body


Adipose tissue is a specialized connective tissue in the body which is the major storehouse of energy in the form of triglycerides deposition. Adipose is usually found in mammals as two different forms such as white and brown adipose tissues. Depending upon the species of mammals the amount and location of the tissue varies. Most of the fat tissues fall under the white category which is located in various organs and various parts in the body.

Adipose Tissue Location In The Body

In human beings, this tissue is found at multiple locations; it is located beneath the skin as subcutaneous fat, surrounding internal organs as visceral fat, inside bones as bone marrow or yellow bone marrow and also in breast. Specific locations of such layers are referred to as adipocytes depots. These depots are a reservoir of adipose tissue that contains several cell types; the highest percentage of cells is adipocytes that contain fat droplets. Some other cells including fibroblasts, macrophages and endothelial cells are also a part of this tissue along with a number of tiny blood vessels. As the integument system includes the skin that accumulates in the deepest level of the subcutaneous layer, adipose tissue is formed beneath the skin and provides insulation to the body from heat and cold.

It acts as a protective padding around all vital organs in the body. Though its major function is to reserve lipids, it also acts as the main source of energy by synthesizing lipids to fulfill the needs of the individual. Obese persons are seen with more amount of adipose in their body. Excessive tissues are seen hanging downward from the abdomen and also known as a panniculus. Sometimes to remove such fats, surgeries are needed. The abdomen has a layer of adipocytes known as visceral and intra abdominal fat. The internal fat protects stomach, liver, intestines and kidneys by forming protective layers inside the body. Breast fat is also a type of white adipose tissue that helps in formation of milk during pregnancy with help of oxytocin hormone and helps the mother to nourish the infants. In human, excess fats are accumulated in the abdominal, hip and also in the thoracic regions.

In different mammals, adipocytes are also found; in mice they are found inside the abdominal layers and cavity forming several depots inside the body. Even around the uterus and ovaries, it forms a layer of fat filled mass providing protection. Brown adipose tissues are densely packed mitochondria and also found in various locations in mammals. As such tissues are good in vasuclarization, in hibernating animals they help in regulating body temperature through non-shivering thermogenesis.

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How to Make Your Woman Scream in Bed Out of Pleasure


Well have you ever heard your friends raving about their sexual skills to you? Have you heard them say that they can please their woman beyond her imagination? And have you heard them say that their women have screamed so much out of pleasure that their neighbors came up to their home to complain? Well if you HAVE heard this before and have wondered how they were able to achieve this, then you are reading the right article because I am going to let out some female pleasure tips which will enable you to blow her mind off and she will be craving to you for more. For those of you'll who haven't heard that women can scream beyond imagination like that, then again you are reading the right article, because THEY SO DO SCREAM. I have achieved this pleasure of hearing my woman scream and so can you. And if you are a silent love maker, that let me tell you, chuck that thought! MAKE NOISE and see how FREE and MORE in LOVE you will feel. So once you read this and start acting as per the article, don't hold me responsible for the noise levels of your bedroom reaching your neighbors! So lets start.

How to Make Your Woman Scream in Bed Out of Pleasure

Now many couples I have spoken to or say have mingled with have a problem, they have silent sex. Now this is something like you are ashamed of what you are doing. Many of these couples will be even married. Why can't they be proud of their love? But now there is another fact that men love VOCAL expression of love. Now a man gets to the heights of excitement when his woman screams, or expresses her pleasure to him. It makes him feel great and superior and this comes from experience. So let me place it in a better way. A man gets his sexual pleasures heightened when he hears his woman's VOCAL ENTHUSIASM.

But many a times as I have mentioned before, couples want to or have to or JUST DO engage in silent love making. This makes a guy feel like he is making love to a start fish. Now lets a get better response in the bedroom than just a start fish. Mind you, when a woman lays down on bed and lets the man do his bit and does her bit, the man often starts to believe that she is BORED. But now if you sit back and think of it the way I do, why can't you place yourself in her place? Think! What if she is actually BORED? So when you guys have a problem like this, when your woman is lying like that looking all bored and not as enthusiastic as you while having sex, then maybe she IS bored and its definitely NOT her fault that she is bored, it takes to two to clap.

Now from personal experience I can say that I love it when my woman screams and makes HELL lot of noise when engaged in sexual activity with me. I really really love the experience and the satisfaction and the pleasure I get from it all. Now lets all face it, unless she is faking it, I REALLY HAVE to be GREAT in bed to achieve this every single time we make love, unless we both decide a a silent and slow procession which at times is considered as romantic. Now some of you reading this must be really very experienced and might be thinking "oh come on this is BS, women are just shy so they are not going to scream no matter how hard they come." Well I would like to show you the real world my friend because you are living in a make believe world if you are thinking so. But I will not even say that you are completely wrong. There DO exist girls who are the silent, but breathe hard and fast during an orgasm. They DO react but not in the way that excites you, the SCREAMS, they do feel equally turned on and excited as you, but they wont scream.

But a man who is great at bed can make any woman SCREAM in bed no matter how silent type she is. I refer myself to as a great guy on bed because just last night my woman told me that I get the wildness out of her. This is NOT something that you cannot do. This is not something GREAT that I do. So NOW you know that YOU CAN do it too to your woman. Now lets summarize the fact that a woman is lying there, breathing and reacting surely to you and your heat but not enough to get you over board excited. Now your work is to get her to SCREAM. Now you have to believe that she WANTS to scream, just she is HOLDING herself BACK. Now she might think that sexually and physically she is showing enough reactions to let you know that she is loving the experience with you, but the fact that she is holding back her screams say that she is not experiencing TOTAL orgasm. That is, she doesn't know that she is CAPABLE of far MORE than what orgasm she is experiencing. In fact the truth can be that she may not be experiencing a true orgasm at all. Now this is sad when a woman thinks she's having an orgasm but ACTUALLY IS NOT. Very sad. I have read about such women who actually think they are having an orgasm but actually they are just experiencing a hell lot of excitement and they are probably thinking to themselves that oh they are getting an orgasm. A female orgasm is no where as evident as a male ejaculation. So they live under the belief that they are having an orgasm, but truth is they aren't. Maybe it never occurred to them that probably they are missing our on something, something bigger, something they are so capable of experiencing but have NOT experienced yet. This will be their belief until someone is going to get them to blow their minds of and they experience the TRUE orgasm. And then they will think to themselves, "oh so that's what an orgasm feels like!

Now till this happens they don't realize what they have been missing out all this time. Now coming to the major point. The difference between true orgasm and 'thought to be' orgasm is that these women didn't really experience longer sex or some specific technique. It was just the magic of screaming! Yes you got me right, the screaming while making love with such women made them experience something they didn't even know of. Now let that one sink in for a moment. You can say that it wasn't SCREAMING DIRECTLY that was doing the magic. It was the act of letting themselves go just enough, and this allows them to relax and let it go and it was their release of inhibitions to make that noise that silently allowed them to release the inhibitions of experiencing full and complete orgasm like never before.

For a woman, a screaming orgasm is like a continuous, self-perpetuating process and is something like a feedback loop. Allowing them to make noise as they orgasm makes them come MUCH harder MUCH MUCH harder than they ever have and than they ever have imagined, which makes them scream harder, and which makes them come harder yet again. But unfortunately you cannot get a girl to have such an experience with you just by saying "okay, now I want you to scream and yell while we are having sex." No, it doesn't work that way. Now to really get her to let go, I mean COMPLETELY let go, you have to let her feel ENTIRELY comfortable with you. You have to let her feel comfortable in surrendering her body to you. This is a big deal if you didn't know. This is the reason why sex is truly such an amazingly intimate experience for a woman or at least it can be. But they cant experience this by themselves either. They need an expert in loving so that they can completely surrender their bodies to control. This is a difficult thing for men to understand. Let me give you an example here. Have you ever been to some place with your friend, some place where it is VERY dangerous, and you know that you couldn't have gone there alone, as you wouldn't really have the guts to? It is something like that for a woman to completely surrender herself to you during sex, and that is why its SUCH a big deal for her, and it has to be for you to if you really love your woman. Now the example above is not exactly the same as letting a woman surrender herself completely to you, but it is enough to get you to know what it feels like. At least you have an idea now. Now a woman cannot go to this 'dangerous' place in sex herself. She feels scared, and she needs you to take her by the hand there. Oh this sounds so romantic, doesn't it? Now you should feel really proud if you actually do get the chance to take her by the hand and take her to places she has never been before. I hope you are understanding what I am saying here. I know it is very confusing, but you WILL surely understand. Its more of art than science this human anatomy and behavior.

As far as I know, the best way to get to know about this art is to learn complete sexual mastery, which are available to you online. In fact I have taken it myself, and I read a book, and heard audios of the sex expert before actually coming to write about it here. You can also do the same. Now coming back to the topic, let me warn you that such high rates of pleasure and intimacy can be very very scary for her. So you have to first do anything possible for you to put her to ease with the whole following process. MUSIC is a good way to start with. Its a simple tip, but it is very very useful. Those of you who don't know what music can do, then there are two most important things Music does, which are:-

  • If you play it loud, then it might give her bit of a cover for the noise she can make, its easier to make noise in a loud room than in a silent one. It makes her more comfortable in making noise and experimenting with the noise levels without bothering about someone else in the house hearing.
  • Music affects our emotions. Especially it affects a woman's emotions. And then its through her emotions that get turned on with music that she will eventually surrender herself to you with so much of trust.
Now if you didn't know music was so powerful, then you ought to know such tiny things in sex which make SUCH A LOT of difference. Now you can have a genuine question here, you can ask, what sort of music should you play. Now certainly you cant play rock music to turn her emotions on, even though it will cover her noise making too well. But certainly rock is something that is not going to help you here. So if you are a rock fan and you read music helps a woman come harder and you play rock music while having sex, then that will be suicidal. We are presently working on her comfort, so you have to play what she LIKES, and what she thinks and feels is SEXY. Now once you have the right music playing then is the turn to add her voice to it. She might already be breathing heavy, or making little noises, whimpers, but what we have to get her to do is give her something to say. I am being very specific in this case because this is something that works great with me and my lady, that is taking the name. You have to ask her to take your name. Now this is not a 100% technique and it may not really work. Now see I'll give you an example, my full name is Robb Edward Engel, now I don'ttt really fancy my lady calling me "oh Robb" while making love, but when she says "oh Eddy" or "Oh ed yeah", it just is too hot and this excites both of us. So its for you to find out what you want her to say that will turn the two of you ON. But this is all because the idea is to get her vocal cords to play while she engages in love like never before, when she reaches the heights of excitement and when she is at the edge of having an orgasm. Now when you tell her to say your name, you will be shocked that if she really is all excited then she might just SCREAM it out. Now once she does that on her own, then that's it you have shown her how good it feels to let the scream out when she is all too excited.

Shouting of name like this is an intimacy builder. It is a nice, bonding thing for her to associate you and the sound of your name coming out of her own mouth, to her most profound pleasure. The other reason is that it gets her out of her "self" and into thoughts of "you" which will help her to reach the point of surrender that I was talking about earlier. For a woman to reach the peak of her pleasure she will have to make it "YOUR DECISION" in her mind. She is not going to reach the peak with her own permission. So putting your name in sometimes does the trick. You have entered into her mind at a very crucial stage where she needs your permission to blow off her mind. But don't force her to say your name, if she thinks its weird then let it be any sound that she wants to let out. But Name works well for many and it does in my case.

Now done with the sound, we are going to move further into an advanced territory. The one most valuable way to let her unleash her deepest desires and her banshee is by eliminating your own internal shyness. You cannot afford to show her you are shy. So start eradicating your sexual shyness with her. Look, I am not saying you are at fault, nobody is completely free of his/her own insecurities. Hence this is more difficult than it actually sounds. You will not be able to put off your shyness just in one go. Now a fact comes here that women have a very very strong intuition. They can sense when men feel uncomfortable even before men themselves know about it. Now lets be fair here, if you are asking your woman to be completely free of inhibitions and you yourself go into the bed with a bunch full of shyness or insecurities, then this is just asking for an awful lot. Just be careful because anything you do to tip her off as you yourself are not 100% comfortable doing it, will always act against you.

Now you may ask what might tip her off. Nervous laughter, anything funny or angry you say about her, frustration when something goes different than you expected, try to calm down. She shouldn't be the receiver of all these emotions. But the biggest tip off is when you try to say or do something to make you look cool, then that is the biggest tip off for her. She will not take a minute to realize that you are insecure about her. Now how to change this about yourself. The biggest thing you can do to actually BE cool is be AUTHENTIC. There is another thing that you should do is express PASSION. Very few men have the capability of showing true passion and lose themselves in the act of love making. Those who are able to do that, win instant love and passion in return. You can fake thins kind of a thing but remember AUTHENTICITY is everything in love. Because by this at the end of the day what you end up doing is winning her sexual trust. When she sees that you are coming to her with absolutely no filters then her body will respond to you in ways you cant and never have imagined. What does it take to be authentic with a woman? GUTS. That's your answer. You need to have guts to be truly authentic with your woman. If you follow a few simple steps from this sort of a book I have read, this shouldn't be a tough task. It won't be long before your till now shy woman is screaming her head off during sex.

Now let me warn you, some women love screaming "oh no please stop" "stop stop stop", and this is actually good news. Its even better than screaming your name out. This is because it allows a woman to surrender complete permission to you. But (chuckles) it can also be bad. If she shouts 'stop' out so loudly, your neighbors might get concerned and call the cops. So that's why calling out your name is safer. Even shouting "oh my god" is good and is very common. Also make sure that the REAL NO (that mean YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO STOP) has another code word because if she has been shouting "oh no stop stop" then you will not know if she actually wants you to STOP, also you need to be sure if she is consensual in the entire process.

Now this was all from me in this one. Let me tell you, you just learned that making a woman engage in noisy love making is actually a good way to get her to orgasm the best that she ever has and also it can just be her first orgasm itself.

Thank You for reading...

Cheers [_]>

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